Report a Private Scholarship Form

If you have received a private scholarship from an outside organization (or expect to receive one), please report it here so it can be added to your financial aid account.

Enrollment Verification: If your scholarship requires proof that you are enrolled, you can request an enrollment verification through the Registrar's Office.

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Student Information:
Scholarship Information:

Your financial aid eligibility is limited by the cost of attendance and your expected family contribution. Therefore, if you receive additional aid (such as a grant, scholarship, or tuition benefit) from outside the University of Denver, we may have to adjust your financial aid award package. We will first reduce student loans, then work-study, before reducing any DU scholarships or grants. In some cases, however, additional outside awards that must pay toward tuition charges may result in the reduction of a DU scholarship or grant that is also restricted to tuition. We will notify you if any change is necessary.



Financial Aid