EOIX Third-Party Investigations

EOIX works to promote an environment free from discrimination and harassment in which DU community members can learn, live, and work. As part of its efforts, EOIX may occasionally conduct holistic reviews of our campus climate guided by certain focus areas. In addition to EOIX’s role in investigating specific reports, these comprehensive reviews help DU identify and address potential behaviors, structural challenges, or other concerns that may impact our community members.

The University is providing the results of two recently completed external examinations of DU's campus culture. These reviews, completed by outside experts, were initiated through DU’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (EOIX). EOIX facilitates the University's compliance with non-discrimination laws and helps DU live up to our deep commitment to foster an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. The office is responsible for reviewing and responding to all reports of discrimination and harassment in our community.

Antisemitism Climate Inquiry Report

The University’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (EOIX) engaged Grand River Solutions to examine DU’s response to reported antisemitic conduct on campus occurring between January 2023 and April 2024. Grand River Solutions is an independent higher education civil rights and Title IX investigations and consulting firm. Grand River also sought to gather additional information regarding Jewish students’ experiences and perceptions of the climate at DU.

The investigator concluded that DU’s responses to reports relating to alleged antisemitic conduct followed established best practices and our institutional policies and procedures. The review also determined the University responded promptly with options for resolution and potential remedies to reported concerns. Finally, the review did not find evidence of an overall hostile environment for the Jewish community at DU. These results indicate that the University responded appropriately and there was not an overall hostile environment for Jewish students during the period of the review from the 2022-23 academic year through mid-April 2024.

Review the Antisemitism Climate Inquiry Report

Encampment Inquiry Report

In late May 2024, the University’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (EOIX) engaged Lim Riley, an external law firm specializing in evaluating and assessing protected class misconduct, to investigate the reports of discrimination and harassment occurring in and around the 20-day encampment on DU’s campus that began May 9, 2024.

Throughout that time, EOIX received more than 60 reports of discrimination and harassment from students, faculty, staff and community members, specifically related to the encampment. Many of the reports were anonymous and didn’t provide enough information to identify the individuals involved. This is part of the reason DU wanted to bring in outside expertise and resources to investigate the reports.

Through an extensive process, the investigator determined that hostile environments existed on campus based on shared Jewish ancestry, gender identity, and sexual orientation throughout the encampment period.

Please know that the Encampment Inquiry report includes references to harsh, discriminatory language and statements. To be clear, discrimination and harassment are unacceptable, violate University policy, and have no place at DU. For this reason, the Encampment Inquiry report has been redacted to prevent inflicting further harm.

Unredacted versions have been provided to shared governance bodies at the University including the Free Expression Committee, Faculty Senate and Staff Senate. Online readers will be able to easily understand the general substance and intent of the comments. However, for DU community members who would like to read it, an unredacted version is available at the front desk of the Anderson Academic Commons.

Review the Encampment Inquiry Report

Inquiry Recommendations and DU's Responses

Below is an up-to-date chart listing recommendations from both reviews, along with DU’s current responses/actions. The chart will be updated as the University continues implementing recommendations.

Climate Inquiry DU Response Encampment Inquiry DU Response
    In light of the findings in this report, issue a campus-wide statement acknowledging the hostile environments, reinforcing the University’s opposition to discrimination and harassment, and communicating the University’s commitment to restoring a sense of safety and belonging on campus. By sharing these reports, DU expresses its acknowledgement of the hostile environment created during the encampment period as well as our commitment to doing the work necessary to restore a sense of safety and belonging on campus.
The University should continue to monitor ongoing guidance from OCR and also continue to use that guidance to inform its student training, employee training, policies and policy implementation. DU is monitoring and will continue to monitor guidance coming from the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights and update policy, procedure and actions accordingly.    
    To the extent not already underway, launch an informational campaign on how to report incidents of perceived discrimination and bias to EOIX. DU is committed to enabling every community member to have the information they need to understand how to report to EOIX. This information is available on DU’s EOIX website and provided to the community through other channels. However, we understand the need and will launch additional efforts to provide more information to the community on how to report incidents of perceived discrimination and bias.
Institutions should regularly review and update their policies to ensure they are compliant and clear. DU updated both its discrimination and harassment policy and the EOIX procedures during summer 2024. DU published the draft policy in July for review and comment by the DU community with the final version posted on August 1. DU has also published the updated EOIX procedures on the EOIX website.    
Conduct training for all employees and students to explain the institutions’ obligations under Title VI to prohibit and properly respond to discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color and national origin, including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics. Consider Title IX training as well. DU is preparing and plans to launch training for all employees regarding our discrimination and harassment policy, which will include information on non-discrimination obligations under Title VI based on race, color and national origin, including shared ancestry, and Title IX. In addition to the comprehensive annual training program required under Title IX, develop a comprehensive annual training program on discrimination and harassment based on race, color and national origin, including shared ancestry, and provide training to students and employees. The training should include an overview of the Discrimination and Harassment Policy and the type of harassing conduct and behavior that is covered by the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy. DU is preparing and plans to launch training for all employees regarding our discrimination and harassment policy, which will include information on non-discrimination obligations under Title VI based on race, color and national origin, including shared ancestry, and Title IX.
    The University’s training program should ensure that employees are educated regarding the University’s obligations under Title VI to respond to alleged discrimination based on race, color and national origin, including discrimination based on a student’s actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, and the intersection of free speech. DU is preparing and plans to launch training for all employees regarding our discrimination and harassment policy, which will include information on non-discrimination obligations under Title VI based on race, color and national origin, including shared ancestry, and Title IX.
    Create and deliver targeted educational programs to students and employees to help facilitate respectful dialogue inside and outside of the classroom, around interfaith issues on campus, and to develop improved skills in communicating and collaborating across differences. DU is thinking big about and working to continually improve how our community can engage more thoughtfully, authentically, and respectfully with one another. This means working to foster a sense of belonging and inclusion while also working to make room for a wide range of challenging, evidence-based ideas and perspectives.

We believe higher education must work to uphold a number of core values, including intellectual curiosity, academic freedom and thought pluralism. These values are essential to the functioning of democracy. Moreover, they are essential to the advancement of knowledge—the very heart of what we do as an institution of learning and research.

The world is not intellectually, politically, spiritually, or culturally homogenous—and nor will it ever be. As part of DU’s 4D Experience, our students build the skills and experience to engage with the bounty of ideas and perspectives that make up the world.

Require annual training for the people involved in the administration of the policy and procedures. In connection with the updated discrimination and harassment policy and EOIX procedures, which became effective in August 2024, EOIX will provide updated training to the departments responsible for administering these procedures, including how to promptly and effectively report suspected violations. Create and deliver training to the Department of Campus Safety on how to identify discrimination, harassment and sex-based misconduct, as well as their duty to promptly report suspected violations of the Discrimination and Harassment Policy directly to EOIX. This training should include examples of discrimination, instructions on how to report discrimination, and a description of the University’s response to such reports.  In connection with the updated discrimination and harassment policy and EOIX procedures, which became effective in August 2024, EOIX will provide updated training to the departments responsible for administering these procedures, including how to promptly and effectively report suspected violations.
Consider expanding opportunities for dialogue that exist separate and apart from the complaint and investigation process. DU is investing in many avenues for dialogue. These include efforts through the university Ombuds and our EOIX offices, including listening sessions, a book club, healing circles and more. We will continue to seek opportunities for community engagement and dialogue. Consider avenues to generate community input in remediating the hostile environments. This may include listening sessions, focus groups, and/or a digital portal for sharing insights and recommendations. DU is investing in many avenues for dialogue. These include efforts through the university Ombuds and our EOIX offices, including listening sessions, a book club, healing circles and more. We will continue to seek opportunities for community engagement and dialogue.
Conduct a climate survey and analyze data. DU plans to conduct a climate survey during the 2024-25 academic year.    
Create an internal standard operating procedures document for offices that administer nondiscrimination policies to document the tasks associated with meeting the office’s obligations, and then assign those tasks appropriately. Our EOIX office will assess and evaluate its record-keeping procedures. DU conducted a number of working sessions aimed at improving information sharing in the spring and summer. EOIX is additionally hiring a full-time case manager who will support this effort.    

More Information about Equal Opportunity and Title IX

The DU Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (EOIX) receives and responds to reports of discrimination and harassment. DU takes very seriously all disclosures of discrimination and harassment, and our EOIX office provides supportive measures, in-depth investigations, remedies, and other corrective measures.

 Learn More About Equal Opportunity & Title IX
