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Financial Aid 101

Managing Out-of-Pocket Cost

University of Denver Financial Aid

Now that you've calculated the out-of-pocket cost of attending the University of Denver, it's time to formulate a plan to manage that cost. Even though your financial aid offer will include all of the institutional, federal, and state financial aid we can give, there are further options available to help you and your family fund this important investment in your future.

Free Money
Next week's email will provide information about finding additional scholarships, and we can't stress this option enough. Yes, applying for private scholarships takes a lot of time—but it's free money! And with the vast number of opportunities out there, the rewards can be great. Get started by visiting one of the many private scholarship search websites available. 

Part-Time Employment
Many students work while attending DU to help pay for books or personal expenses. Not only can this help minimize loan borrowing, but students who work gain valuable skills and experience that can help them secure a great job at graduation. Some students are offered work-study as a part of their financial aid offer—a federal program that provides part-time jobs to eligible students. Our Student Employment office also maintains an online job board that lists other on- and off-campus positions available in the DU and Denver area. We'll provide greater detail about both options in a future Financial Aid 101 email.

Payment Plans
If you can pay a little money out-of-pocket, utilizing DU's payment plan can be a great way to help cover some of your out-of-pocket cost. Both 2- and 3-installment plans are available each quarter. Learn more about this option from the Bursar's website.

Credit-Based Loans
Many students and families who are seeking additional financing to help cover the costs of attending college will consider a Federal Parent PLUS or a private education loan. The loan program you choose is an individual decision that will depend on the circumstances and preferences of you and your family. Both options have their pros and cons, and we highly recommend that you research these loans thoroughly before making a decision. We'll also go into more detail about these loans in future emails.

College Opportunity Fund
If you graduated from a Colorado high school and have the Federal Pell Grant listed on your financial aid offer, you may also be eligible for the College Opportunity Fund (COF). This fund provides a stipend of $31.33 per credit hour that pays directly to your tuition bill. Learn more about eligibility requirements and the steps to apply on our website.

We understand that, after reviewing your financial aid offer, formulating a plan that covers the out-of-pocket cost of a DU education can be stressful. If you need additional help or have questions about your options, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance!

Want to review past Financial Aid 101 emails? Check out the archives!

Up next week: Finding Additional Scholarships


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