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Your search for T returned the following 12 results:

Talent Acquisition & Development

Mary Reed Building
2199 S. University Blvd.
Denver CO 80210

Taxation, Graduate Program in

Frank H. Ricketson Law Bldg.
2255 East Evans Ave.
Denver CO 80210

Teaching International Relations, Center for


Teaching and Learning, Office of

Anderson Academic Commons
2150 E. Evans Ave.
Denver CO 80210

Department Contacts

Name Phone Number Email Title
Johnson, Terri Lynn 303-871-7884 Faculty Developer, Learning Initiatives & Marketing
Pitts, Virginia M. 303-871-3291 Director, University Teaching
Riley, Stephen 303-871-2993 Director, Academic Assessment

Telephone Services


The Cultural Center

1927 S. York St.

Denver CO 80210

The Denver Pioneer Shop

Daniel L. Ritchie Center
2201 E. Asbury St.
Denver CO 80210

Theatre, Department of

1903 E Iliff Ave

Denver CO 80210

Department Contacts

Name Phone Number Email Title
Forsyth, Jennifer 303-871-3847 Production Manager
Lacek, Janice Benning 303-871-3161 Associate Professor
McDonald, Steven 303-871-3827 Chair, Theatre
McDonald, Steven 303-871-3827 Associate Professor
McKinney, Shannon Lynn 303-871-3164 Associate Professor
Penner, Anne Catherine 303-871-2108 Professor
Tarafder, Rini 303-871-4394 Visiting Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre
Ungar, Gregory 303-871-2518 Associate Professor
Zinn, Sarah 303-871-4482 Supervisor, Costume Shop

Transportation Center:PS

1901 E. Iliff Ave. Room 142

Denver CO 80210

Transportation Institute

2197 South University Blvd
Suite 359
Denver CO 80210

Department Contacts

Name Phone Number Email Title
Loor Mendoza, Anabolena (Ana) 303-871-4702 Assistant Director of Operations, Transportation and Supply Chain Institute

Travel Agency (Navigant International)

1600 Jackson St, Golden CO 804

Denver CO 80401

Travel and Tourism, Center for

2044 E. Evans Ave. 319

Denver CO 80210