MPV (Monkeypox)

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, along with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health officials, is currently monitoring cases of monkeypox in our state. 

Monkeypox (MPV) Vaccinations Now Available at the HCC for DU Students 

DU’s Health & Counseling Center has available vaccines for MPV, also known as monkeypox, for DU students by appointment. Please log onto your account or call HCC at 303-871-2205 to request a confidential appointment. 

For more information, review the CDC recommendations regarding individuals who should receive a vaccination for monkeypox to determine if you should receive the MPV vaccine. 

  • What is MPV (Monkeypox)?

    Monkeypox is a virus in the orthopox family of viruses. It is rare, but can be serious for people who get it; although, the current outbreak in the U.S. has a fatality rate of less than 1%.  

  • How does MPV spread?

    Monkeypox can spread from person to person when someone who has monkeypox has close physical contact with someone else. Close contact can mean physical contact with the sores, bumps, or lesions of someone who has monkeypox. Close contact can include sex. Although less likely, monkeypox can also spread through touching the bed linens or clothing of someone who has monkeypox. Monkeypox can also live on other surfaces for some time. In most cases, monkeypox will resolve on its own.  

  • What are symptoms of MPV?

    Monkeypox illness may begin with flu-like symptoms that can include fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, and exhaustion. Typically, a rash or skin bumps develop within one to three days after the onset of fever, often beginning on the face then spreading to other parts of the body.  

  • What should I do if I've been exposed or am experiencing symptoms?

    People who are experiencing symptoms of monkeypox or think they have been exposed to monkeypox should contact a health care provider as soon as possible to discuss testing. If a person has a primary care provider, we recommend reaching out to them first, as many providers can collect specimens for testing with supplies they already have on hand. CDPHE’s monkeypox webpage has an up-to-date list of locations/health care providers that are able to collect samples for monkeypox testing for those who are uninsured or not connected to a health care provider. Some people who have been recently exposed to monkeypox should get a vaccine called Jynneos. The FDA fully approved this vaccine for people determined to be at high risk for infection to prevent monkeypox disease. Colorado currently has an extremely limited supply of the vaccine from the federal government. Find out if you can visit a free CDPHE vaccine clinic here.

  • How many MPV cases does Colorado have?

    Colorado MPV case counts can be found here.