Capital Projects
The University requires potential capital projects to be developed in a uniform manner that will help senior leadership understand and consider the idea. Capital projects should contribute to fulfilling the goals of the University, including inclusive excellence, innovation, integrity, and engagement. Proposed projects must explicitly include a statement of how the project addresses the needs of our diverse campus community.
If a project is a minor repair, the request must be made by submitting a work order here.
For all other projects, a project development review process will be staffed by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance for the Provost's Office. The first step in the project development process is to fill out the Concept Description section of the Phase I Capital Project Proposal form.
Once you have filled out the Concept Description please email the Phase I Form to the Capital Projects Team at: Once received, the Projects Team will then facilitate the process with the appropriate Facilities and Provost staff, and will develop the remainder of the Phase I document with the project contact.