COVID-19 Dashboard

The need for rapid, accurate communication is crucial when it comes to protecting our community. We also count among our principles and are obligated by law to protect the privacy of those affected by a positive confirmation or those who have come into close contact with an individual who is affected. To protect privacy, DU will not release any identifying information regarding COVID-19 cases.  

We ask that the entire community support our efforts to protect one another’s privacy. Please be assured that our contact tracing protocols are very thorough and are intended to ensure anyone who has been in close contact (six feet for 15 minutes or more) with someone who has tested positive will be directly contacted.

DU’s COVID-19 Response Protocol remains first and foremost to care for those affected while identifying and addressing those situations which increase the risk of exposure to the wider community. 

With the pause in mandatory testing, DU’s positivity rates now reflect the rate of infection among symptomatic and potentially exposed individuals in addition to those seeking voluntary testing.  Published rates no longer reflect a broad sample of the campus population.

Denver County Case Data