LastPass Secure Password Management Software at the University of Denver

What is LastPass?

LastPass is a secure online password storage system that allows users to securely keep, generate, and share passwords, and store their user logins and websites, as well as other sensitive information in a password vault, so that you will only need to remember your LastPass master password. One benefit of LastPass is that you can launch websites and seamlessly auto-login without having to enter usernames and passwords. You can read more about LastPass on their website

Who has access to LastPass through DU?

There are two different types of LastPass accounts available to the DU community:

  1. Employees (full-time, benefited faculty and staff and all members of the IT division) are offered the option to sign up for a LastPass Enterprise account via an email invite from LastPass (contact the IT Help Center if you need your invitation re-sent).
  2. Students, and all others with an email, have the option to sign up for a LastPass Premium account.

How do I activate or sign up for a DU LastPass account?

Enterprise users (employees) will receive an activation email invitation from LastPass. We do not recommend that you go to the LastPass website and create an account because you will not receive the full benefits and features that the Enterprise invitation offers you. If you did not receive an email invitation, please contact the IT Help Center at 303-871-4700 so that we can re-send you the invitation.

Premium account users (students and all others with an email) can sign up for a Premium LastPass account.

How long do I get to keep my LastPass account?

Enterprise users will have access to LastPass while still active with DU. Once you are separated from the University, your account will be downgraded to a Premium account as long as you have already linked a personal email address to your LastPass Enterprise account. Please note that any passwords and logins tied to your Enterprise account will no longer be accessible, so it's important for users to keep work and personal logins and passwords separate. Once an Enterprise user's email account is no longer valid, they will not be able to sign up for a LastPass Premium account. 

For a seamless login experience, you can set up and link a personal LastPass account. Personal = Private. The DU system administrators never see what you store in your personal account, and your personal account goes with you when you leave the University. Once you link the two accounts, your personal account will appear as a sub-folder in your Enterprise vault. You can save all personal logins directly into your personal folder, or drag them in later. If you don’t have a personal account, create one now

Premium LastPass user accounts will remain active for as long as the University subscribes to the LastPass service, regardless of your current status with the University.

Do I have to use LastPass to store my passwords?

IT@DU is offering LastPass as an option for community members in order to help everyone keep their accounts and personal information safe. We encourage everyone to take advantage of LastPass. There is no campus-wide requirement to use LastPass, however some divisions or departments may require their employees to have an account in order to access passwords for shared accounts. IT strongly encourages anyone who has access to confidential information to sign up and use LastPass. If you have questions, please speak to your supervisor.

Is there anything else that I need to know about using LastPass?

Passwords for LastPass are required to be 15 characters long. IT@DU requires that your LastPass account has multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled. IT@DU recommends using Duo MFA.

Please note that the IT Help Center will only be able to support and troubleshoot MFA issues for users who are using Duo.

IT@DU does NOT recommend authenticators that place an authentication token on a USB key. 

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Help! I forgot my LastPass password!  How do I get back into my account?

We strongly suggest that users set up SMS account recovery to self-manage password recovery. 

If you are an Enterprise user, who has also downloaded the LastPass browser extension, you can call IT to reset your LastPass master password. 

If you have not set up SMS account recovery or have not downloaded the LastPass browser extension, your password cannot be reset. IT will have to delete your Enterprise account and re-create it, which will delete all data that was stored in your account.

How do I share a password with someone else?

Instructions for sharing passwords securely using LastPass can be found here.

I have a new email address, why doesn't it work to log into LastPass?

In order to help protect your information, your email address in LastPass needs to be changed manually by a LastPass administrator.  Please contact the IT Help Center to open a request to have your email address updated.  Your old email address and LastPass password will continue to work for LastPass access in the meantime.

Where do I download the LastPass browser extension?

Learn about the LastPass browser extension.

Download the LastPass browser extension.

The LastPass browser extension is obscuring some fields in an online system that I use. How do I fix this?

If the LastPass browser extension is obscuring text fields in your browser, learn how to resolve the issue here.

How do I disable or set hotkeys in the LastPass browser extensions?

The LastPass browser extensions have some default hotkeys to perform certain functions.  To disable, set, or change these please see this article.

I see an option for Families as a Benefit - what can you tell me about this?

Please see this article for more information on Families as a Benefit

I am getting multiple emails a day telling me that my email address has changed.  How do I get these to stop?

If your primary email address in Active Directory changes, it triggers LastPass to send you a notification email.  In order to prevent the primary email address on an Enterprise LastPass account from being changed, end users by default cannot change their email address.  Pleaseopen a ticket with the Information Security team to have an exception granted to your LastPass account to update your email address.

I have LastPass Premium and received an email to renew my subscription, but the link isn't working.

All users who have a premium subscription through DU will receive an email year to renew the premium subscription.  This renewal is no cost to the user as long as the University subscribes to LastPass services. 

If the link in the renewal email is expired or you receive an error please follow the steps below:

Go to
and enter your DU email address to validate the benefit.

Confirm your personal email address to renew the premium subscription.

I have more questions!  How do I get more help?

LastPass has a robust knowledge base full of helpful articles and videos.  See this article for instructions on accessing it.

Please note that IT does not support LastPass Premium accounts and users will need to visit the website for more information.

What happens to my passwords and shared folders if I delete / deactivate my account?

We strongly suggest that all LastPass users set up SMS account recovery to manage password recovery so that you do not have to delete and recreate your account in the event that you forget your LastPass master password.

If your Enterprise account is deactivated, all of your saved passwords will no longer be accessible through LastPass.

Shared folders should always have at least two shared folder administrators, so as long as you have followed our shared folders guidelines KB0013778, those shared folders would just need to be re-shared with you if your LastPass account has to be deleted and re-created. 

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