Energy Conservation

The University of Denver is strongly committed to conserving electricity, fuel, and water. The Department of Facilities Management & Planning has the responsibility of managing utility usage. The high cost of energy is a matter of particular concern throughout the University community. Since 1976, the University has funded several energy conservation projects that have been put forth by the Facilities Management department. These projects have made it possible for the University to have one of the lowest BTU consumption and KWH consumption among its fellow peer group institutions.

Energy Conservation needs to be a campus-wide goal. Some things you can do to help save energy are:

  • Avoid using personal space heaters. Such heating units use a lot of energy, cause breakers to trip, and are dangerous if left unattended. One space heater can consume the same amount of power that it would take to run 56 four-foot fluorescent lamps.
  • Turn off lights when leaving offices, classrooms, and conference rooms where safe and practical.
  • Turn off PCs, monitors, printers, copiers, coffee pots, and lights every night and on weekends. If you can't turn off the whole computer, turn off the monitor and the printer. Enable the sleep settings on your computer monitor.
  • If appropriate, use ink-jet printers; they consume 95% less energy than laser printers. Similarly, laptops use 90% less energy than desktop computers. When purchasing PCs, monitors, printers, fax machines, and copiers, look for Energy Star models.
  • In your dorm or apartment, unplug appliances that are not being used. Most idle appliances such as TVs, stereo equipment, and microwaves continue to consume energy when switched off and account for about 5% of the total domestic energy consumption.
  • Close blinds and windows after sunset in the winter to keep the heat in. Leave the blinds open during summer days instead of turning on extra lights.
  • Take shorter showers. Showers account for two thirds of water heating costs.
  • Run full loads of laundry instead of partial loads.




Facilities Service Center