Moving Services

Small, On-Campus Moves

Facilities Management is available to assist your department with small, on-campus moves requiring only one person-hour or less to complete. This limitation helps ensure that we always retain a sufficient workforce to perform our primary duties of maintaining the campus facilities and grounds.

Examples of small, on-campus moves include:

  • Transporting one shelf and two boxes to a new building
  • Moving a desk within an office or a short distance within a building
  • Relocating an empty filing cabinet within an office building


Get help with your small, on-campus move by submitting an iServiceDesk work request.

Work Request


Larger Moves with Bailey's Moving & Storage

For larger moves, Facilities Management contracts with the Bailey’s Moving & Storage company. Schedule a move by contacting Bailey's DU Move Coordinator, Allison Rottman, at 303-785-0953 or

Prior to initiating a move with Bailey's, you must email Allison Rottman a completed copy of the Daily Move Plan along with a purchase order, which should be produced in collaboration with your office manager. For questions regarding this contract or obtaining purchase orders for these services, please contact Procurement & Contract Services.


Moving Your Konica-Minolta Copier/Printer

Before attempting to move your Konica-Minolta copier/printer, please contact John Callahan from KMBS at 303-463-1029 (office), 814-954-2928 (mobile), or the email link below.

Email John Callahan

Questions and Further Information

If you have any questions or would like to request further information about moving, please contact the Assistant Director of Operations & Maintenance, Marc Wilkinson, at 303-871-7018.



Facilities Service Center