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2018 Sexual Assault Awareness Month

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Rebecca Chopp

Chancellor Chopp Invites You to Participate in SAAM

Announcement  •

Dear DU Family, 

Sexual assault and gender violence are simply, inarguably, wrong. Still, perpetrators inflict emotional, physical and social trauma—all too often with no recourse. As a society and as a community, we must and do work to support survivors and prevent future assaults. 

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I ask that we, DU’s staff, students and faculty, do more than recognize the pain inflicted by sexual assault. I ask that we participate, engage and volunteer—and that we use our voices and actions to create an environment that reflects our values. 

Groups across campus will host programs and events throughout April to empower survivors and educate the broader DU community. 

We’re witnessing a profound sea change in our society’s treatment, and perhaps more importantly, acknowledgment of sexual assault and its insidious consequences. Through #metoo and #timesup, individuals are liberating themselves and society writ large of the burden of shame or silence by sharing their experiences. It’s a job they didn’t ask for and shouldn’t have to do, but their voices are creating a safer, more open future for all of us. 

We should all be part of this movement. Structures that prevent and prosecute sexual assault are critical, but so is a vocal, explicit culture that collectively says, “No more.” 

Rebecca Chopp