Strategic Innovation and Change

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Dual Degree
School Name
Adult Education
Description 1

Organizations need to innovate to stay relevant, but how do you navigate the change that comes with new ideas? Broaden and enhance your skills in strategy, innovation and change management as you aim to fulfill the vision and mission of your organization. The strategic innovation and change program is designed to impart leadership and entrepreneurial skills around the strategic planning process and change management techniques. Determine how change can impact an organization's ecosystem and devise a plan to support innovation and measure success.

Description 2

This program will help you develop skills that are applicable in any sector and give you the background necessary to implement new ideas and evaluate their impact. You can earn your MS in organizational leadership with a concentration in strategic innovation and change entirely online or in the evenings on campus through the University of Denver's University College. Beyond the coursework dedicated to strategic innovation, you also can choose electives from other leadership areas, including organizational development, philanthropy and human capital.

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