DU Grand Challenges
DU Grand Challenges, which combines the core tenets of our strategic plan, will harness the intellectual capital of the University to work in concert with our neighbors on issues of Thriving Communities: Living, Working and Participating. On Oct. 2, we issued the Grand Challenge Scholars Grants RFP and the Grand Challenge Classes RFP. If you have questions, please email du.grandchallenges@du.edu.
Moving Forward for Change
Below, we briefly summarize the work of the implementation clusters and assess our progress. The clusters are charged with consulting broadly in the community and proposing specific projects and pilots to advance DU IMPACT 2025. You will see and hear references to such progress on the DU IMPACT 2025 website, on the DU news site, on posters around campus, in The Bridge and The Pulse newsletters and more.
But the realization of DU IMPACT 2025 is not confined to these groups and clusters. Professors, students and staff members are infusing the spirit of this plan into their daily work in and out of the classroom. Such work doesn’t always fit neatly into specific boxes or updates—but there are stories of impact all across the DU community, including among our alumni and friends.
Our Impact
Read about some of the stories of impact—from a DU partnership with UC-Berkeley in the Solar Decathlon and the quarter-century-old Bridge Project to the new Social Enterprise Fellowship launched in partnership with Quarterly Forum. If you have other stories you think we and others on campus should know about that align with DU IMPACT 2025, please send them to us.
No implementation team is meant to be representative of the entire campus, which is why teams continue to consult with members of our community. In the 2016-2017 academic year, implementation teams hosted over 90 events including town hall meetings, faculty workshops, informal lunches, targeted career events for students and alumni and more. For instance, an emerging knowledge bridge focused on mental health, called DU CARES, hosted seven workshops with 56 faculty members whose research interests intersect with mental health. Other groups were more insular or worked last year to identify overall objectives. We will continue to push these groups to consult more broadly. Meanwhile, we invite you to contact cluster leaders and our project manager, Alexandra Lustig, to share ideas or ask questions.
We look forward to the continued hard work and creativity of our DU community as we spend the 2017-2018 academic year working together toward our shared vision. We will provide updates and share news throughout the year, and the DU IMPACT 2025 website features an Our Progress section where you can always learn more. We hope you will find ways to engage, formally and informally, in this important work.
Rebecca Chopp, Chancellor
Gregg Kvistad, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Together, We Are Shaping the Future of DU
Below, you will find a brief description of one project or idea that each cluster is currently pursuing. Please note these ideas are one of many under each cluster. To understand the various aspects of their work, please visit the Our Progress section of the DU IMPACT 2025 website.