Legal & Policy Requirements

Every traveler going abroad on University-related travel is subject to DU policies, applicable U.S. federal laws, and host-country laws while in-country.

Conduct Policy

Policies include the University Honor Code, Student Rights and Responsibilities Policies, and other related policies.

  • For complete information on these codes, please refer to the Students Rights and Responsibilities website.
  • Faculty and staff are subject to policies found on the HRIC website.

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

Ensure that you are in compliance with all ORSP requirements including Export Control and research integrity.

  • Frequently Asked Questions regarding Export Control can be found on OSRP's website
  • Details about Research Integrity & Education policies can also be found on ORSP's website.

Gender Discrimination

The University of Denver's Honor Code and Comprehensive Discrimination and Harassment Procedures and Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedures (collectively "Procedures") prohibit harassment, discrimination and gender-based violence, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and retaliation, whether on-campus or off-campus.

DU travelers participating on DU international experiences are protected by the Procedures and are expected to conform to the expectations expressed within it..

DU has resources available to help travelers who are abroad and experience any type of gender-based misconduct.

If impacted, DU will work with travelers to inform them of their rights, help support survivors using a wealth of available resources, and help begin the healing process.


If you are found to have violated any applicable DU policies, this information will be shared with the University of Denver's Student Rights and Responsibilities Office or Human Resources, as appropriate.

Incidents should be reported to Enterprise Risk Management using a form within DU Passport

  • Reportable incidents include but are not limited to any medical, mental health, student conduct, sexual misconduct, and criminal related issues.
  • See the Nature of Incident Definitions list for more details about reportable incidents. 
  • The purpose of the report is to document details of an incident abroad, to outline what actions have been taken, and to request additional support from ERM.
  • Also by reporting international incidents, you are facilitating compliance with DU's Procedures, and federal and state law. 
  • All submitted information will remain private and will only be shared with relevant persons.

If you are responsible for an incident that incurs expenses for DU, depending on the nature of the incident, the cost may be added to your DU account.