Faculty Senate

  • Senate Calendar 2024-2025
    • Meetings are Fridays 11:30 - 1:30 (Lunch 11:00 - 11:30)
    • NOTE: This schedule is subject to change as details arise, including the addition of Special Senate Meetings as needed. We also anticipate Senate-hosted forums for which we do not require a quorum but which we encourage Senators to attend.

    Fall 2024

    Sept. 13 – AAC 290
    Oct. 18 – Renaissance Room, MRB
    Nov. 15 – AAC 290

    Winter 2025

    January 17 – AAC 290
    February 7 – AAC 290
    March 7—AAC 290

    Spring 2025

    April 11—AAC 290
    May 2– AAC 290
    May 30 – AAC 290

  • The Faculty Forum

    The Faculty Forum is the University of Denver Faculty Senate's newsletter. Edited by the Communications Officer and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, this newsletter provides updates and information about our faculty's activities and governance. It is published approximately two weeks after each monthly Faculty Senate meeting, ensuring timely and relevant content. The Faculty Forum is a platform for faculty members to stay informed about decisions, discussions, and developments within our academic community. We invite you to read and engage with the newsletter to stay connected with our collective efforts.


    Follow this link and use your DU login to read the latest edition of the Faculty Forum.

  • Faculty Senate Meeting Agendas

    June 7, 2024

    11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch

    11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

    • Call to Order and Senator Sign in
    • Faculty Senate President Update
      • Resolution on DU Hockey
    • Provost Update
      • Faculty Awards
    • Discussion of Interim Demonstrations Policy
    • HRIC – policies in accordance with state law
    • Faculty Senate Statement on Academic Freedom and Expression
    • DU Forward discussion with the Chancellor
    • Second reading of resolution on encampment, with proposed amendment
    • Elections
    • Hand over presidency to Dean Saitta

    May 17, 2024

    11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch

    11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

    • Call to Order and Senator Sign in
    • Faculty Senate President Update
    • Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
    • Results from Academic Program Review
    • First reading of Interim Demonstrations Policy
      • Updates and Recommendations from Chancellor Haefner
      • Q & A with Chancellor Haefner
      • Opportunity for Faculty Marshals to talk
      • Discussion of the interim policy
      • Next steps for Senate on a permanent policy
    • First reading of Faculty Senate Statement on Academic Freedom and Expression
    • Update on elections at June 7 meeting and call for candidates
    • Continued Discussion from Special Session Meeting
    • (If Time Permits) Introduction and Discussion of Resolution on Hockey
    • Adjournment


    May 16, 2024 (Special Session)

    9:00 - 10:30 A.M.

    • Overview of Concerns from CAHSS (20 minutes)
    • Response from Administrators (20 minutes)
    • Response from CAHSS (5 minutes)
    • Discussion among Senators (90 seconds each Senator who wishes to speak)


    April 5, 2024

    11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch

    11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

    • Call to Order and Senator Sign in
    • Faculty Senate President Update
    • Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
    • Shared Governance Discussion with Chancellor Haefner
    • Student Government Updates from USG and GSG
    • Academic Freedom 20th anniversary of Senate statement Discussion
    • New Business
    • Adjournment


    February 16, 2024

    11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch

    11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

    • Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
    • Faculty Senate President Updates
      • FOE demonstration policy
      • Academic Program Review
      • Update on our requests re COACHE
    • Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
      • COACHE response
      • Board of Trustees Update
      • BAM & Salary
      • Provost Conversation Event
      • Free Expression and Campus Climate
    • Employee Handbook Discussion with Jeff Banks and Jim Noone
    • Discussion of Senate Action on COACHE faculty (dis)satisfaction data
      • Small group discussion to generate action items
    • New Business
    • Adjournment


    January 19, 2024

    11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch

    11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

    • Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
    • Faculty Senate President Updates
      • BAM Update
      • Academic Program Review committee update
    • Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
      • Graduate student minimum grade discussion
      • Budget update
      • Enrollment update
      • Voluntary tenure relinquishment incentive program
      • Provost Conference on March 1
    • COACHE results overview and discussion with Jenn Bellamy, VPFA
      • Small group discussions
    • New Business
    • Adjournment


    November 10, 2023

    11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch

    11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

    • Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
    • Faculty Senate President Updates
      • Assessment committee update
      • COACHE survey results
      • Academic Program Review committee update
    • Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
      • Academic Program Review update
      • Demonstrations policy update
    • Presentation and Q&A with Institutional Research with Katie Schroeder (Watermark)
    • Health Insurance survey update with Barb Hurtt and Personnel Committee
    • Updates from Undergraduate Student Government with Luke Miller
    • Discussion of 2023-2024 issues for Senate and shared governance
    • New Business
    • Adjournment


    October 20, 2023

    11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch

    11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

    • Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
    • Faculty Senate President Updates
      • Policy Review committee update
      • COACHE summary report update
    • Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
      • Spring 2024 Provost Conference update
      • Budget concerns
    • Budget presentation with Provost Clark and Linda Kosten
    • Q & A with University Ombuds Betty Snyder
    • Meet Assistant Vice Chancellor for DEI Academic Engagement Lauren Hammond 
    • General Education Update with Richard Kolby, Faculty Director of General Education
    • Election Faculty and Educational Affairs Committee (FEAC) update
    • Discussion of 2023-2024 issues for Senate
    • New Business
    • Adjournment


    September 22, 2023

    11:00 - 11:30 A.M. = Lunch

    11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

    • Call to Order, Senator Sign in and approval of September Minutes
    • Faculty Senate President Updates
      • Shared Governance Award
      • New OMBUDS update
      • Senate Attendance policy and Committee Membership policy
    • Senate Standing Committee Updates
    • Updates and Q & A with Provost Clark
      • Updates
      • Ideas to Impact
    • Ad Hoc Committee on Policy update with Chip Reichardt
    • Introduction of new Faculty Director of General Education, Richard Colby
    • VPFA Jenn Bellamy updates
    • Introduction of new Student Government Reps
    • Committee membership and attendance discussion
    • New Business
    • Adjournment

The Faculty Senate is the primary body through which faculty participate in the shared governance of the University of Denver.

The Senate is composed of approximately 90 members elected to represent the academic units of the University.

Much of the Senate's work is accomplished through its five Standing Committees:

  • people

    Academic Planning Committee (APC)

  • people

    Financial Planning Committee (FPC)

  • people

    Nominations, Credentials & Rules (NCR)

  • people

    Personnel Committee

  • People

    Student Relations Committee (SRC)

PDF of the descriptions (drawn from the 

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC) includes the Chairs of the five Standing Committees, the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, and several at-large members. Questions and concerns may be addressed through elected departmental or divisional Senators, or may be addressed to the Senate President at Renee.Botta@du.edu
