
General Education

The 4 motions passed the All Faculty Vote in June 2022

  • Vote 1 Gen Ed Director 67% approved
    Vote 2 Gen Ed DEI committee 77% approved
    Vote 3 Gen Ed Pilots 81% approved
    Vote 4 Gen Ed New Names 83% approved

Read the Summary.

Other Documents:

Freedom of Expression

Inclusive Policies & Statements for Syllabi

Inclusive Hiring Resolution

Social Media in the Classroom Policy

Modern Think Survey Results

Links of Interest for Faculty

Moniker Report - June 2022

This report is a supplement to the Senate's 2021 Resolution calling on DU to retire the moniker out of due concern for classroom outcomes for our students. The report was written at the invitation of the Chancellor, and it aims to specifically help amplify and contextualize the link between the moniker and classroom learning. Senate will talk with Board members, the Provost, and the Chancellor at FEAC on 6.2.22 as part of ongoing conversations on this important matter.

Here is the report. This was written as a collaboration by 15+ faculty and staff with expertise in a range of interdisciplinary topics addressed in the report. The Table of Contents is clickable, so you can move around the document. You can find an Executive Summary right at the top.

Here is a Qualtrics link if you'd like to add any additional notes or resources as part of this conversation.

Please also visit the DEI tab on the Senate webpage to view additional supporting materials.

Policies & Procedures for Faculty Development

This was an important series of conversations and procedure-development overseen by past-President Kate Willink and chaired by Chip Reichardt. The final document lives here. This process was a creative and generative response to the Board of Trustees' request for "post-tenure review"; the results of the Senate process gained national attention--e.g. see this article in the Chronicle for Higher Ed in 2018.

Faculty Development Initiatives

Mountain Campus - Early Faculty Opportunities & Another Campus Visit

Faculty Senate Annual Reports

Strategic Planning Reports

Other Senate Reports & Documents

Chancellor's Roundtable

Faculty Forum Weblog

  • The former DU Faculty Forum Weblog is available here.

Faculty Forum Archives

Prior Years' Senate Schedules

  • View the 2019-20 Faculty Senate Calendar here
  • View the 2015-16 Faculty Senate Calendar here
  • View the 2014-15 Faculty Senate Calendar here
  • View the 2013-14 Faculty Senate Calendar here
