Font Files

On this page, you'll find links to access files for each of our fonts. Fonts are divided into two categories: our Primary Font and Personality Fonts. Each category follows a slightly different procedure for how to access and download the files. For information on font usage, view our visual style guide.


Primary Font

DU’s primary font, Neue Haas Unica, should be used as the foundational font in all communications and marketing materials. Flexible and offered in a variety of weights, it should be used to convey the University’s confidence and focus.

When Neue Haas Unica is unavailable, Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro is an acceptable system-standard alternate.

Install Neue Haas Unica

You will need an Adobe Creative Cloud account in order to install and use Neue Hass Unica. 

Adobe Creative Cloud is available to all DU students, benefited faculty, and staff. Detailed instructions on how to request and install Adobe Creative Cloud can be found here.

If you already have an Adobe Creative Cloud account simply follow these steps to add them to your Creative Cloud font library. Once added, restart the application and the fonts will then be available to use.